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I.M.F. Cautions Against Tax Cuts for Wealthy as Republicans Consider Them

WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund delivered a blunt warning to international policy makers ahead of the fund’s annual meeting this week: Governments risk undermining global economic growth by cutting taxes on the wealthy.

The message, while aimed broadly at all developed nations, carries particular resonance in the United States as the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers push a tax plan that critics say will exacerbate income inequality by reducing taxes for the richest Americans.

In a report issued Wednesday, the fund emphasized that flatter tax rates across income scales and lower rates for the highest earners could exacerbate a troubling trend toward growing inequality in the United States and around the world.

The White House is currently pushing a proposal that tax experts warn would cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans by lowering the top rate, by eliminating the estate tax and by doing away with the alternative minimum tax, which imposes a higher rate to ensure the wealthy are not exploiting loopholes.

The monetary fund’s report builds on its broader message this week — that governments should take advantage of global economic strengthening to get their fiscal houses in order. By acting now to curb debt, overhaul inequities in taxation and lift spending on education and health for the poor, countries can stave off another economic crisis and help the most vulnerable in the process.

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